Downside is an up and coming urban pop group who comes from the uk. Their approach to music is not only in singing but also rapping their own tracks.They are also no stranger to the American hip hop world as they have opened for 50 cent . I was given the privilege to interview Downside. Check out the interview and their video take it away .
B:How was it like performing for 50 cent?
D:It was one of the best experiences we had in the music industry. To be a warm up act for 50cent and to perform in front of a big crowd was life changing. It’s just a completely different kind of buzz.
B:What is it like being a part of the british hip hop scene?
D:Its good to be a part of the British hip-hop scene, everyday the British hip-hop scene is making history. I remember when we used to say we couldn’t wait for it to blow up and now it’s reality. There are more Hip-hop urban acts from the UK in the charts this year then there has ever been.
B: How did downside get started?
D:Basically we all use to rap together when we use to hang but it was only for fun then we decided we should try and do something productive with it, so we started going to the studio to record tracks and then we saved up money for our first video, it all started from there.
B: Is there any mc that inspired your style?
D:Yeah 2pac inspired us, like him we like to keep our music real, we don’t talk about things we’ve never experienced in life. Everything we say in our music we have done, we like to keep it 100% real.
B: Where did you get your swag?
D:We have always had swag even before the music, our swags natural, we couldn’t turn our swag on because its never off lol
B:What advice do you have for young rappers?
D:If you have got a talent or a dream go for it but make sure you give 100% because you only get what you put in.
B:Whose your dream producer to work with?
D:We would love to work with Pharell Williams, and David Guetta because they are the hottest producers out now and everything they touch turns to gold.
B:What is your approach to rapping?
D:To keep it real and positive, and to bring lots of energy to the music.
B: Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
D:Hopefully we would have cracked the UK market and would have our own record label, we want to bring more UK acts through.
B:How's your fanbase? I mean is it mostly women or mostly men?
D: Our fan base is mixed but its is mainly women. The men like our raps and the women like our swag.