DBL is an up and coming r&b artist who comes from the fabulous state of New York. His approach to music is not only in singing but using the magic of mixtures. DBL is a indie artist but has been given the opportunity to work with the likes of neyo. I have given the privilege to interview DBL. Check out the interview below and visit DBL's website.
B:What is the story behind the record "Superstar"?
D: Superstar kind of came to me and felt like a natural thing to
do. I was thinking about my girlfriend, at that time, a lot
and I just received some beats from my manager so I could work
on my mixtape MY MOMENT. I started listening to the beats and the beat
for "Superstar" fit how I was feeling. The rest is history. What alot
of people don't know about that record is that the whole song started
off as a freestyle that I just perfected and tweaked until it sounded
B:When you're writing do you think about it is played in clubs or in the
D: I try not to think at all when I write. I just let the beat take me where it wants to go. The finished product from that is some club songs and some bedroom songs. So no I don't think this is going to be for the club and this is going to be for the bedroom.
B:What do you classify your music as r&b or urban pop?
D: I'd say is a little bit of both but if I had to choose I would say
r&b. I take from different artists that I look up to and for my own
style from it.
B: Did you always know you were going to be a musician?
D:I did know. I was born into music and have been doing it all my life.
I remember when I was little just zoning out in a day dream just think
about it. I know it probably sounds cliche' but I did lol.
B: Do you use mixtapes to it's fullest like drake or lil kim?
D: Of course I do. I think in today music industry mixtapes are very
powerful avenues to gain fans and just give that raw unrestricted
music. All musicians should use mixtapes to their full and Drake, lil
kim, and lil Wayne did it the best. I look up to them for that.
B: What's the peak moment the stage?
D: To me I think the whole time is a peak moment lol. When I start
singing on stage I just zone out and really try to put on a show.
People come out to be entertained and have a good time. So that's what
I try to do at all points on stage.
B: How are your songs autobiographical?
D:Well all the songs are autobiographical. They all relate to an
experience in my life. I like to give my fans something real.
B:What's the fan reaction to your music ?
D:The fans love the music. Literally everyone that listens to the music
loves it. I just love that they love it and want to keep more songs
B: How was it like working with Neyo,50 cent,and Snoop dog?
D:It was actually a surprise. A great surprise might I add. While DJ Rob
E Rob was blending my mixtape he reached out to them just to see what
they thought and they loved it and hopped on the mixtapes. Pleasant
surprise when I got it back and heard them on there.
B: What are your plans for the next 5 years?
D;In the next 5 years I plan to take this industry by storm. Its my time
and I'm ready for it.Promotion is definatly high on the list. That
just means Im going to be writing music for myself as well as
others,doing as many shows as possible,getting more radio spins and
really entertaining everyone. I also want to create some capital from
doing these shows so I can invest in some other things I have in mind.
I'll let you know what that is at a later date. The next 5 years will
be busy for me but it will really prove my worth in this game.