The pua movement has got creepy since the world now readily known to the world. For many years now I have known a student of Ross Jeffries it has radically changed my thoughts on women and dating. So much so that he have developed his own style. Here's 5 tips that will turn any AFC into a latin lover.
1. Take the F out of AFC nobody wants someone who is constantly angry. If you have anger issues like some of the people I know. Practice thinking about what is the source of that anger. So to get laid you need to be more outgoing and friendly instead of reclusive and belligerent.
2. Grow some balls and approach women directly. Women in general favor the brave over those who are cowardly. That's why most fairytales the princess goes with the guy brave enough to kill a monster to get some poontang. If you are too nervous to approach with a compliment,question,or observation. Then use a document or an assignment you have written and ask her to review it for you. This may sound wimpy but it works well in a school,bookstore and library settings.
3. Remember women are very conscious on potential rapes. So it is important to make her feel comfortable. This is not rocket science just make her laugh.
4.In every encounter there needs to be some form of physical contact. In the PUA community this is called kino(short for kinesthetic). It is used to create comfort,connection,and arousal with women. I am not talking about groping or slapping at this point. More like subtle or normal physical contact like handshakes,arm pats,and playing thumb wars.
5. You can approach women everywhere but there are places that can show that you have an unique quality to you. For example public transportation and parks.
Well this is all the info that I can give now. Hope this helps anyone reading this.