Thursday, August 18, 2011

Calming the school jitters with my daughter

Guest post written by Paula Michelson I think that my mom takes after me in the way that I'm really nervous about things that I should necessarily be that nervous about. I guess that it's just a really bad family habit. I'm pretty sure that I got it from my mom, but I want to make sure that my daughter doesn't get this nervous about things that she shouldn't. So I'm trying to break her of the habit.

I thought that her starting kindergarten would be a really great way to meet that goal, or at least the part of her dealing with the stress of starting school. As I was looking online to get some clues about how I could help her and me with this, I ran across the site . After I looked through it a little bit, I decided to change over my home internet service to one of the packages that I saw on that website.

I think that I'm going to teach her that the school jitters is normal for any person getting ready to start kindergarten. But that she should be more excited than nervous. That's at least what I try to tell myself when it comes to these things.This has been brought to you by your friends at Clear wireless.